SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – San Francisco leaders are taking action following the murder of George Floyd.
A resolution to prevent law enforcement from hiring officers with a history of misconduct was announced by District Attorney Chesa Boudin and Supervisor Shamann Walton on Tuesday.
They are urging the Civil Service Commission to forbid the police department and sheriff’s department from making such hires.
“Across the nation, we have seen the repeated failures of our legal system to hold police accountable for the violence, abuse, and even murders committed against people of color and especially Black people. The resolution would hold San Francisco law enforcement to a higher standard of professionalism and prevent officers with a history of profiling or excessive force from working in our city. Our Black and brown community members deserve to feel safe and how can any of us feel safe when local law enforcement agencies are allowed to hire officers with prior serious misconduct?”
District Attorney Boudin
This would require the commission to disqualify a police officer applying who has serious misconduct in the past including:
- Excessive force
- Racial bias
- Discrimination based on race, national origin, gender or sexual orientation
- Dishonesty related to the reporting, investigation or prosecution of a crime or misconduct of another officer
“It is important that we do not allow individuals with a proven track record of misconduct to become a part of any of our law enforcement bodies in San Francisco. Data demonstrates that officers who kill Black people, and continue to commit excessive force on Black people and people of color, have a history of misconduct and excessive force complaints. We cannot allow these individuals an opportunity to mistreat our residents.”
Supervisor Shamann Walton
Cosponsors of the resolution are Supervisors Hillary Ronen, Aaron Peskin, Matt Haney, Dean Preston, Sandra Lee Fewer, and Norman Yee.
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