SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – African American religious leaders joined civil rights leaders outside San Francisco City Hall Monday to denounce calls to reopen churches saying it is not safe in the midst of the pandemic.

“We don’t need to listen to an idiot president, we need to listen to the science,” Dan Daniels said. 

“The scientists say, the doctors say stay out of church until the way is safe and clear,” Rev. Amos Brown said. 

Speakers also pointed out the four walls of a church are not required to pray.

“We will not open our doors, we will continue to worship at home, in our kitchen, our dining room, our living room and outside on the grass that god has given us because we know this too shall pass,” a speaker said.

During the noontime rally, speakers also noted that studies show COVID-19 is having a greater impact on African American communities making the need to social distance and stay out of church even more important.

“I love my people too much to put their lives in jeopardy, to put them in a scenario where their health is questions, we have too many pre existing conditions, we have too many seniors in the congregation, we have to do too much work in our buildings to make it right and so just because we can do a thing doesn’t mean we should do a thing,” Rev. Dr. Joseph Bryant Jr. said. 

Pastors are also calling for additional resources for African American communities, including more testing, more medical services and more educational support.

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