PLEASANTON, Calif. (BCN) — The Pleasanton City Council on Tuesday will likely declare a local drought emergency, declare a stage 2 water shortage, and mandate that Pleasanton water customers reduce their water use by 15 percent.
The move follows Tri-Valley water wholesaler, Zone 7 Water Agency, declaring a state of drought emergency within its service area and its own stage 2 water shortage on Sept. 1, also mandating its retailers to cut back 15 percent on water use.
City staff is recommending the council adopt the urgency ordinance and hire part-time temporary employees to staff the city’s drought call center, help with the assistance program, and respond to reports of leaks, water waste, and general non-compliance.
Zone 7 coordinated a campaign last summer attempting to raise awareness about water conservation. A staff report for Tuesday’s council meeting said Zone 7’s Tri-Valley communities managed a 7 percent reduction for July.
Staff isn’t recommending activating drought rates or excessive use penalties with this mandated reduction, though those could come down the line if goals aren’t met and the drought gets worse.
The Pleasanton City Council meets at 7 p.m. Tuesday and can be seen at this website or on the city’s YouTube channel. Those wishing to speak can do so via Zoom.