New technology is preventing high speed police pursuits, and it’s being used by some local police departments right here in the Bay Area. 

San Pablo police gave a demonstration of the state-of-the-art GPS tracking technology it is using to increase public safety during police pursuits. 

It’s made by the Star Chase Company. 

“So officers in the pursuit can follow and pursue the car at safe distances, at slower speeds,” said Lt. Brian Bubar with the San Pablo Police Department. 

He explains how it works. 

“So this is the actual star chase projectile. It’s going to provide actual, real time, GPS position of the suspect vehicle, its movements,” Lt. Bubar said.

Once that star chase projectile is on the suspect’s vehicle, a signal then appears on a computer, mapping program being monitored back at San Pablo PD. 

This is the path from Wednesday’s police pursuit of an armed carjacking suspect traveling on I-80 into the city of Vallejo. 

“What you are looking at here is actual path a suspect is taking as he is fleeing from officers. As you can see he is traveling well into the 90 miles per hour range over the bridge,” said Lt. Michael Gancasz. 

“So this is the 9 millimeter that the officers recovered on the freeway. This is the actual vehicle he fled from at the end of the pursuit,” said Lt. Bubar. 

The carjacking suspect, 18-year-old Elijah Lewis, was taken into custody. 

No injuries or traffic accidents occurred during the pursuit. 

“Within a half an hour of deploying star chase the pursuit was ended, suspect was in custody, no one was injured, everyone went home safe,” said Lt. Bubar.