OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) -Over the last week, we’ve taken approximately eleven people into custody regarding robberies and carjackings,” said Lt. Robert Muniz.

The city of Oakland is in the midst of a violent juvenile crime spree.

This includes armed robberies and carjackings committed by youth suspects, some as young as 11-years-old.

They are known to use stolen vehicles during these crimes according to Oakland police.

Investigators say on Tuesday, several juveniles were arrested as susupects in robberies using a gun in some cases, a knife in others.

These incidents occurred in the city’s Webster, Highland Terrace, Melrose and eastlake neighborhoods.

City councilmember Noel Gallo says it’s sad because he has seen young people being used to committing violent crimes before.

“The older hoodies send the younger kids to do the robberies because they know there’s not gonna be a criminal charge against them. The juvenile system is broken,” Gallo said.

So far, no one has been seriously injured during these crimes. Oakland police say they are working with the city’s office of violence prevention, Alameda County Probation and the D.A.’s office to try to come up with a deterrence to this disturbing trend.

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