OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) – Oakland police are addressing a recent uptick in gun violence. The city has seen at least five killings since last Thursday.
On Monday, Chief Susan Manheimer and investigators toured a neighborhood where one of those shootings happened over the weekend.
In an effort to take a stand against recent gun violence, police tour an East Oakland neighborhood crippled by crime.
“We are seeing a spike in crime that shows about an 80 percent increase in shootings this quarter and you know these are not numbers,” Manheimer said.
Police say between August 6th and August 9th, at least 5 people were shot and killed.
Three of those killings happened within a seven hour span.
The most recent deadly shooting took place on Holly Street near 86th Avenue early Sunday morning.
“We here at OPD we personalize every one of these tragedies. Our city mourns for all of those who have lost their life. They are not numbers to us. They are victims,” Manheimer said.
The city of Oakland has prided itself on cutting down on shootings and homicides by 50% over a 5-year span.
OPD says they’ve also recovered more than 500 guns related to crimes since the beginning of this year but the recent uptick in gun violence has become an unsettling trend.
“It’s unacceptable we’re seeing a ton of guns but I will tell you that we are here with the community and this walk today shows that we are standing together,” Manheimer said.
Police Chief Susan Manheimer says the shootings are being investigated in connection with possible gang conflicts.
They’re asking anyone who may have information about them to come forward.
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