NAPA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) — Napa County Public Health officials have issued a shelter-at-home order in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The order will go into effect beginning midnight on Friday, March 20 through April 7.
The shelter-at-home order requires most people to stay home, unless they are engaged in certain “essential activities”.
Those who are sick should self-isolate, if possible, from others they live with.
Essential activities allowed under the order include:
- Obtaining necessary services or supplies for themselves and their family, household members and pets, or to deliver those services or supplies to others
- Engaging in outdoor activity, provided that individuals comply with social distancing
- Performing work providing essential products and services at an essential business
- Caring for a family member or pet in another household
Per the order, “essential businesses. include, but are not limited to:
- Healthcare operations and “essential infrastructure”
- Grocery stores, farmers’ markets, food banks, convenience stores
- Businesses that provide food, shelter and social services for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals
- Newspaper, television, radio and other media services
- Gas stations and auto-supply, auto-repair and related facilities
- Banks and related financial institutions
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