SAN MATEO, Calif. (KRON) – A mountain lion was spotted in a San Mateo backyard on Wednesday morning, according to the police department.
A resident reported seeing the mountain lion in the backyard of a house in the 500 block of Bucknell Drive.
According to the person, the mountain lion was standing near a dead raccoon and then jumped onto the top of a fence when it saw the person.
The mountain lion stayed on the fence for a few minutes before running toward Colgate Avenue, officials said.
Police searched the area but did not find the animal.
The mountain lion did not act aggressively toward the resident.
It was described as being the size of a large dog, about two feet tall, four feet long, and about 50 pounds.
The police department reminds residents to take extra precautions and to stay safe.
Even though mountain lion sightings are rare, officials advise residents to:
- Not feed deer. It is illegal in California and it will attract mountain lions.
- NOT APPROACH a mountain lion if seen, especially one that is feeding or with offspring. Most mountain lions will try to avoid confrontation.
- Avoid hiking or jogging through wooded areas when mountain lions are most active—dawn, dusk, or at night.
- Keep a close watch on small children when hiking or traveling in or about wooded areas.
- Not run if you encounter a mountain lion. Instead, face the animal, make noise and try to look bigger by waving your arms; throw rocks or other objects; pick up small children.
For more details, visit the Keep Me Wild website.