SAN RAFAEL, Calif. (KRON) – In another sign that things are turning around in the COVID-19 pandemic, Marin officials announce that they are recording the first death connected to the virus since April 17.

An unvaccinated resident over age 65 who had been living alone died from COVID-19 after being hospitalized for shortness of breath.

The person’s infection source was not able to be determined, indicating that the virus is still actively circulating the county, according to officials.

Approximately 93% of Marin COVID-19 cases since March 1 have been among people who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated. Seven percent of cases are so called “breakthrough cases,” diagnosed more than two weeks after completing the vaccination series. Breakthrough cases, when they occur, are less likely to lead to hospitalization and death. 

“We’re seeing the clear impact of vaccinations in saving lives,” said Dr. Matt Willis, Marin County’s Public Health Officer. “After a month with no deaths, it’s especially hard to see someone pass at this stage, knowing we have an effective tool to prevent outcomes like this.”

Residents over age 65 became eligible for vaccinations in Marin County on February 15, and an estimated 98% of Marin residents in that age group have received at least one dose of vaccine.

“It’s reassuring to see that the data in our own community matches the very high efficacy found in the vaccine trials” Willis said.

Currently Marin County is in the state’s orange tier, the second lowest tier that allows some indoor business operations with COVID safe modifications.