Lead has been discovered in a water source at a school.   

This comes after the state passed a law mandating all school districts to undergo thorough testing.  

The case was isolated and the district has taken swift action.  

The high level of lead was found in a drinking fountain at Cove Elementary School in Corte Madera.

The superintendent explains what happened and what steps they took to deal with the problem:

“Per state law, we had all the water fountains tested,” Superintendent Brett Geithman said. “We found one fountain here at Cove Elementary and asked for further testing to find the fountain. We discovered it was in one fountain. We immediately shut it down. We believe it happened post construction when welding the fountain. What happens now? We are spending about $1,500-to-2,000 to replace. In this particular fountain, we plan to put in an environmentally-friendly fountain. Many kids bring their water bottles to school, so we are installing one where they can fill it and we want to encourage that.