CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) – Visting a hospital for COVID-19 testing is not recommended for people experiencing mild symptoms or those who are asymptomatic – That’s the word from John Muir Health.

This comes as the health system says it has seen a sharp rise in emergency room visits for testing.

Up to 50% of patients admitted to John Muir Health emergency rooms are being diagnosed with COVID-19, in addition to suffering from other serious illnesses.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Russell Rodriguez says those patients need the hospital staff’s full attention.

Those experiencing mild symptoms possibly related to COVID-19 or are asymptomatic yet want a routine test should try to find one available to take at home, or visit a local clinic but not a hospital.

“If somebody has an entire family that has COVID and now they have symptoms, they probably don’t need to get tested if their symptoms are mild — they have COVID,” Dr. Rodriguez said. 

Dr. Rodriguez says, unlike in the past, supply is not the issue. The health system has enough tests.

In fact, everyone who is admitted to an emergency room is tested for COVID-19.

Dr. Rodriguez says requests for routine testing are taking attention away from people who are suffering true emergencies.

“If somebody has mild cold-like symptoms, and they live alone and they’re vaccinated and boosted, they probably don’t need to be tested. They can isolate themselves for five days, wear masks for an additional five days around others,” Dr. Rodriguez said. 

Of the 185 COVID-19 tests administered at John Muir’s emergency departments in Concord and Walnut Creek Monday, more than 33% were for people with mild symptoms.

Testing is recommended if you have a high-risk condition and COVID-19 symptoms or you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.