The mayor of Oakland is defending herself on Monday night after an Iowa congressman introduces a bill because of her.

It would essentially make it illegal for politicians to warn the public and immigrants of upcoming ICE raids.

The mayor says it’s difficult for her to believe that “The Libby Schaaf Act” would withstand any legal challenges and that she’ll continue to proudly be the mayor of a sanctuary city.

Schaaf isn’t the least bit worried about the proposed bill aimed at her.

“Just the idea of it is ridiculous,” Schaaf said. “I can’t believe it will pass. I can’t believe it will be legal if passed. Those are things not bothering me. I have a lot of work to make my community better. That’s what I’m focused on.”

On Monday, Republican Congressman Steve King introduced the Libby Schaaf Act that would criminalize officials that send warnings to the public about upcoming federal raids.

“I remain without regrets about informing my community about their rights and the resources that are available,” Schaaf said.

Mayor Schaaf is referring to the warning she broadcasted in February that ICE raids were coming. Since then, President Donald Trump continues to demand that the mayor is prosecuted for obstruction of justice, which the justice department is now investigating.

It could mean five years in prison and a fine.

“I’m not going to be bullied by the Trump administration. I can tell you this much,” Schaaf said. “I know a lot more about my community and keeping it safe than some congress member from Iowa.”

As the immigration conversation continues to heat up, the Oakland mayor, who is up for re-election this year, agrees the current immigration system is broken, she says.

“We need to stop the mudslinging and do some careful analysis and work in updating these policies so they work for America.”

Mayor Schaaf says she wants to address immigration reform in order to help families that need it.

She refers to this proposed bill as a distraction.