BERKELEY, Calif. (BCN) – Appointments for drive-thru COVID-19 vaccinations are available for Alameda County residents 75 and older from Friday through Monday at the parking lot at the foot of Buchanan Street at Golden Gate Fields racetrack in Albany, the City of Berkeley announced Wednesday.
The vaccinations are for those seeking their first dose and target the ages most vulnerable to hospitalization and death from COVID-19, officials said.
An appointment form from vendor Curative Inc. is available here. The vendor will add those with appointments into its notification system for second appointments, officials said.
The form will ask about basic demographic information to confirm eligibility for an appointment and an email will be sent confirming the date and time of an appointment.
A ride service supported by the city is available for a $15 fee to help senior and disabled Berkeley residents needing transportation to the site for their appointments.
Those who have an appointment time should check their eligibility, register for services, and schedule a ride by contacting Easy Does It at (510) 704-2111.
Easy Does It will ask health screening questions to ensure to ensure the rider safety and the safety of the driver.
Personal protective equipment is worn by drivers, and face coverings are required of riders.