OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) – Oakland artist Larry McSpadden created a 6-foot tall sculpture of Donald Trump’s head to symbolize his desire for the president to be “rolled out of office.”
The project, “45 Rolling,” made its public debut on Saturday, Oct 24.
McSpadden held a peaceful protest to roll the head around Lake Merritt and posted images on Instagram to document his progression creating the piece.
It all started three years ago, with weather balloons as the base of the sculpture.
The thick of the sculpture is made from many layers of papier-mâché.
Balloons filled with hot air helped shape Trump’s head.
McSpadden filled the inside of the sculpture with a “collage of thoughts.”
McSpadden then completely covered the sculpture with brown paper-mâché before painting.
Once the sculpture was finished, McSpadden announced the event to roll the head around Lake Merritt in Oakland.
Based on the video, those who showed up wore masks and gloves to roll the head around.