SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) – Two major draft amendments to Plan Bay Area 2040, the long-range,widely encompassing regional transportation and land use plan, will be available for public review starting Monday.
Documents for the Draft 2021 Transportation Improvement Program,and the Draft Transportation-Air Quality Conformity Analysis, both part ofthe Amended Plan Bay Area 2040, will be posted Monday morning.
Plan Bay Area 2040 is the strategic update to the original PlanBay Area, released in 2013.
It builds on earlier work to develop an efficient transportation network, provide more housing choices and “grow in a financially and environmentally responsible way” in the Bay Area.
More information about this comprehensive, and sometimes controversial, plan can be found online.
Public comment on these amendments will be taken at a public meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Programming and Allocations Committee on Dec. 9, beginning (via Zoom) at 9:45 a.m.
Written comments on the newest amendments will be accepted until 5p.m. Monday, Dec. 14, 2020. They may be submitted to MTC’s Public InformationOffice via e-mail to or via the mail to 375 Beale St, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA 94105.