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CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Calif. (KRON) — The Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday released body cam footage of the fatal police shooting of Tyrell Wilson on March 11, 2021.

Officer Andrew Hall from the Danville Police Department approached 32-year-old Wilson after several people called 911 saying they saw a man throwing rocks at traffic on the freeway.

According to police, Hall first tried to talk to Wilson, but shot him after Wilson pulled a knife and refused to drop it.

In the video, Wilson pulls a knife while backing away from the officer and says “touch me and see what’s up.” Hall has his gun pointed at Wilson, who then says “kill me,” while taking two small steps forward. That’s when Hall fired his fatal shot.

Wilson died from his injuries at the hospital.

“Any loss of life is tragic, but the community can now see the truth,” said Contra Costa Sheriff David Livingston. “Tyrell Wilson did in fact threaten the lives of passing motorists by throwing objects, possibly rocks, from the overpass down onto Highway 680. He was found with numerous rocks in his jacket pocket.  He did pull a knife on Officer Hall. He did threaten Officer Hall. And he did start advancing toward Officer Hall in the middle of a major intersection. Officers are forced to make split second decisions to protect themselves and the public and that’s what happened here.”

Hall has previously fatally shot another person in 2018.

Last month, Civil Rights Attorney John Burris was retained by Wilson’s family to investigate the circumstances surrounding his death.

Wilson had mental health issues and his family believe that lead to this situation. Wilson’s father served in law enforcement for 30 years and believes this situation should have been handled differently.

On Wednesday, Danville Mayor Renee Morgan said she respected the DA’s decision to file charges against Hall. 

And she called the release of the body camera footage in the most recent deadly shooting, essential. 

“We continue to support full transparency in all matters related to both incidents.”

The Contra Costa sheriff’s office released a statement saying Wilson did pull a knife and threaten officer hall prior to being shot and killed. 

But Attorney John Burris believes officer Hall acted unreasonably yet again.

“My view is there was no warning, he had distance. The man wasn’t attacking him, he had plenty of opportunities to react.”