CONCORD, Calif. (KRON) – Under the governor’s new statewide orders, a popular East Bay mall will have to close its doors yet again. 

The Sunvalley Shopping Center in Concord will have to turn away customers looking to shop inside.

Citing a rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, Governor Newsom is asking for malls, like Concord’s Sunvalley Shopping Center to close once again.

Contra Costa County is one of 30 others being told to stop indoor operations.

For these shoppers, it might be the last time in a while to browse around the mall’s 150+ stores.

“It’s horrible man,” one shopper said. 

“It does suck because it’s summertime and I know a lot of people will have plans and want to do fun things,” another said. 

Since the mall reopened last month, signs have been posted to remind people to safely keep apart from one another.

Customers also have to wear masks. 

Some of the stores haven’t reopened since the shelter in place was first announced.

A place called “Box Lunch” decided to close immediately following the governor’s order.

Some people have been coming to the mall in search of something other than a new outfit or shoes.

“Normally I work at a local theatre, since that’s closed down, I’m looking for a potential job for the summer,” Ava Gregson said.  

Jobseeker Ava Gregson found the stores she applied to were conflicted as to whether or not they were even going to be allowed to stay open, let alone hire people.

“It’s still kinda jumbled up in the stores,” Gregson said.

But as cases have gone up, some shoppers think the governor is making the right call.

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