SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — With California schools closed for the remainder of the academic year, parents are being asked to oversee the education of their children.

It’s been one of the biggest challenges for parents working from home during COVID-19 — how to fit educating children into a busy work day.

The good news — experts at a Bay Area tutoring center and online school say it may not require as much time as you think.

“We tend to recommend one to two hours for elementary kids, two to three hours for middle school kids, and three to four hours for high school kids,” Jesse Roselin said.

Roselin explains that a typical day at school isn’t six straight hours of academic work. He recommends a technique called stacking — mixing shorter windows of schoolwork with breaks for play and other activities, including breaks for parents.

“Having a calendar or a schedule that gives the parents a break too is really important,” Roselin said. “So including things like lego time, or puzzle time, or independent reading time, or time that the kids can really be on their own gives the parents a break, it’s also still learning.”

When it comes to learning, it’s OK to stick to the basics.

“In terms of the most important skills and subjects that parents should be focusing on, really math and reading,” Mel Nichols said. “If you’re focusing on kind of a couple essential things, focus on math, focus on reading. We will tell parents, read, and the rest of it takes care of itself.”

If it’s not taking care of itself, there are plenty of physical and online resources.

Tutor Corps and Pacific Preparatory School have seen about a 15-percent increase in enrollment during shelter-in place, and they’re getting creative when it comes to support.

“Next week on Wednesday, April the 8th from 11 to 11:45 a.m., we’re offering a free webinar for anyone to join,” Nichols said. “And it’s just packed full of a lot of great tips and gets in more depth on what we’ve mentioned here.”

To register, parents can go to the website.

Some other at-home resources the experts suggested include Khan Academy, and The Big Fat Notebook Series.

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