GREENVILLE, SC (WSPA) – A Greenville couple was arrested after their 5-month-old son was brought to the hospital with numerous injuries including broken arms.

Billy Ray Hawkins Jr., 21, and Racheal Jade Nicole Herron, 19, are each charged with child abuse with great bodily harm.

Police say the baby’s parents brought their son to the hospital and told officials his teething ring “exploded” inside his mouth.

According to the report medical staff found extensive trauma to the baby’s mouth but also found more injuries.

Arrest warrants show both of the baby boy’s arms were broken, his left eye was swollen shut, and he had numerous bruises and cuts over his body.

Police say the boy also had prior injuries that were in the process of healing.

Hawkins is being held on $50,000 bond while Herron is being held on $25,000 bond.

The child was placed into custody of the state Department of Social Services.

Police say this is the couple’s only child.