Antioch home targeted in hate crime, vandalized with Nazi Swastika

ANTIOCH (KRON)—A home in Antioch was the target of a hate crime early Wednesday morning. The home was hit with Molotov cocktails and spray painted with racial slurs.

The suspect(s) used blue spray paint to tag the home with a Nazi Swastika and the letters “Nig”.

When police were called to the home on McCormick Court just after 3 a.m.

The front door, the garage door, a window and bushes were all on fire.

The house has now been cleaned of all the spray-painted racial slurs.

Antioch police say they are committed to finding the person or people responsible for the crime.

The Williams family was fast asleep when someone vandalized the outside of their home.

“I think someone was trying to get us and probably murder us because the fact that they put it the only place you could get out from the front of the house to get help,” a family member said. “They tried to throw it on my front door but luckily it hit the wall and caught bushes on fire. That window above me is another way a person could climb out if they needed to if the downstairs was on fire and it was one sitting right there on the window.”

Williams’ two adult sons, three dogs and four grandchildren were all inside the house.

Firefighters say this could have been a lot worse.

“The manner with which this fire was set had definite deadly potential,” a firefighter said. “Set in the middle of the night when it can be safely assumed that the occupants of the house were sound asleep.”

People who live in the area say this is not something that happens in the neighborhood.

“I first heard about it on Facebook and how I felt about was it was just terrible,” one resident said. “I don’t think that kind of thing should happen to anybody let alone happen to them and I feed very sad and really disappointed that that happened in our area.”

Residents say they hope this crime never happens again and the community grows stronger from the incident.