Amazon fires warehouse worker who led walkout over coronavirus

NEW YORK CITY — Amazon has fired an employee at a New York warehouse after he helped organize a protest.

More than a dozen workers at the Staten Island facility walked off the job Monday to bring attention to the way managers are handling coronavirus.

Christian Smalls was a process assistant there.

He spent part of the weekend appearing in the media, saying he wants Amazon to temporarily close the warehouse after an employee there tested positive for COVID-19.

He wants the company to disinfect the facility.

Amazon fired him Monday after he appeared at the protest.

He says that’s because he brought attention to the situation.

Amazon says Smalls was fired because he was on a 14-day paid leave after he had contact with the employee who tested positive.

The company says he put employees at risk by attending the walkout.

New York’s attorney general called Smalls’ firing “disgraceful” and says her office is exploring legal options.

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