FAIRFIELD (BCN)—Police discovered an illegal indoor marijuana grow operation Friday in Fairfield with an estimated $2.9 million of marijuana inside.

Officers with the Police Department’s narcotic unit and special operations team executed a search warrant in the 1600 block of Enterprise Drive where two warehouses had been converted into the operation, police said.

Detectives took possession of 1,173 marijuana plants in various stages of growth. Growers had harvested several plants, which were being dried and prepared for sale, according to police.

Officers also found about 20 pounds of processed buds.

Police said indoor operations such as the one found Friday are fire and health hazards and often are targets of robberies.

The operations require large amounts of electricity, water, heat, and pesticide to create a habitat for growing the plant.

Anyone with information about the operation is asked to call the Police Department’s major crimes unit or narcotics unit at (707) 428-7600.

The Police Department’s tip line is (707) 428-7345 and Solano CrimeStoppers can be reached at (707) 644-7867.

Tips can also be left by texting TIP FAIRFIELDPD followed by a message to 888777.

All tips can be left anonymously.