WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Hutchinson resident Jess Deason recently asked herself a question. “Do turkeys fly?”

What prompted the question was a freak accident on Saturday, May 7th when a 35-40 pound turkey flew into her minivan’s windshield on a Reno County highway, causing more than $2,100 damage to her vehicle.

Here’s Jess’ story.

She was driving between Nickerson and Sterling on K-14 at about 11 a.m. when suddenly her windshield shattered. Glass was flying everywhere, Jess said.

After slamming on her brakes and pulling to the side of the road, she began picking glass out of her hair and quickly checked to make sure her three children, ages about one month, two and five were okay.

Jess said other drivers also pulled over to make sure she was uninjured, and that’s when they discovered what caused her windshield to shatter was the big turkey.

“I was doing about 65 miles per hour,” Jess said, when the bird hit her windshield. Besides shattering the windshield, the bird also damaged her minivan’s hood and dashboard.

She said other than herself receiving minor cuts by flying glass, her children were uninjured in the incident.