$870K awarded to man whose doctor removed the wrong testicle

HUNTINGDON, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania jury has awarded $870,000 to a man whose urologist removed the wrong testicle.

Fifty-four-year-old Steven Haines sued Dr. V. Spencer Long, who Haines went to see in 2013 after suffering pain in his right testicle for 15 years.

Long performed surgery at J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital in Huntingdon, but removed Haines’ healthy left testicle.

A Huntingdon County jury on Wednesday found Long was “recklessly indifferent” and awarded Haines $620,000 for pain and suffering and $250,000 in punitive damages. Long declined to comment Friday.

Haines’ lawyer says the Mount Union man remains in pain, but has a “debilitating fear” of seeking further treatment for his problem. The attorney says Haines will need testosterone treatment for the rest of his life if he loses the remaining testicle.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: