NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) As you prepare to cook, shop and maybe travel next week we know you have a lot on your plate! We are helping you stretch your dollar with 8  free apps that will make all of this just a little easier!

Here’s some help!

As you plan your meals, the Chow Thanksgiving Dinner Coach is great for anyone who needs help. It’s geared toward beginners and makes the process simple. If you want more advances meals, or have food allergies to work around, the All Recipes Dinner Spinner is personalized to you and makes it easy to store recipes.

Before you travel, Gas Buddy will help you track down the nearest and cheapest gas station.

I-Exit will help with anything else! It tells you what’s available off every exit, restaurants, hotels, rest stops, etc.

For shoppers, don’t start your holiday shopping without the Black Friday 2016 app. It has all the updated fliers for your favorite stores.

Shop Savvy and The Coupons App are loaded with coupons and promo codes and will point you in the direction of who has the lowest prices so you can get the absolute best deal.

If you are working on a budget , don’t do anything until you get Santa’s Bag. It’s helps you make a list, create a budget and tracks your expenses for you! It also has a countdown to Christmas so you don’t lose track of time.