4 arrested after authorities find over 11,000 marijuana plants in San Mateo County

SAN MATEO COUNTY (KRON) — Four people have been arrested after authorities found more than 11,000 marijuana plants.

Authorities say the grow sites were well-hidden in the mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District.

The plants ranged from 2-to-10 feet in size worth around $22,000.

Authorities say the plants were well-irrigated. 

“The suspect(s) utilized sophisticated irrigation systems to tap into available water sources and maintained well-supplied campsites to tend to the gardens. In several grow sites various supplies were located within the grow sites indicating that the suspects stayed at the gardens for long periods of time. While agents were clearing grow sites located within the Mid Peninsula Public Open Space Preserve near Devil’s Canyon, west of Hwy 35,” deputies said on Twitter.

And it appears that the suspects stayed at the gardens for long periods of time.

The suspects are facing a string of charges related to marijuana cultivation and environmental violations.

The four arrested are:

1) Joaquin Sanchez (38) Redwood City, CA

2) Joel Ochoa Sanchez (32) Redwood City, CA

3) Juan Farias Galeana (28) Michoacán, MX

4) Jose Antonio Mendoza (26) Michoacán, MX

Here is how San Mateo County Sheriff’s Officials described the investigation:

Over the past two months, the San Mateo County Narcotic Task Force Participated in the Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) program led by and coordinated through the California Department of Justice along with our local, state, and federal partner agencies in an effort to eradicate large scale illegal marijuana cultivations from public and private lands that cause deforestation, damage to wildlife habitats, pose danger to our citizens, and hazardous-chemical pollutions.