A 3-year-old who survived a vicious dog attack last year still has a long way to go.

Arial Canen lost her ears, and her family in Michigan says insurance will not cover the procedure for new ones.

Most of the 3-year-old’s head is a skin graft. It is the result of a vicious dog attack last year.

Now, her mom wants to get her new ears before school starts.

But insurance will not cover the cost, so that has her local community stepping in.

“All of the areas in this community do a great job of coming together in a time of need,” Cassopolis Fire Department Lt. Oliver Fiala said. “And so, this just happened to be a time of need, and we came together, and hopefully, it works out flawlessly.”

The procedure that Arial needs costs nearly $12,000.

And thanks to her community, her mom is hopeful of giving her daughter back what she lost.