SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) — San Francisco police responded to three injury shootings that occurred within less than six hours of each other over the weekend, including two of them in the city’s Hunters Point neighborhood.

The first shooting occurred in the Hayes Valley area around 8:50 p.m. Saturday, when a 26-year-old man sitting in a parked car in the 700 block of Fulton Street was approached by a male suspect on a bicycle,

according to police.

The suspect fired a handgun, grazing the victim with the shot, before fleeing on his bicycle.

The victim tried to flee the scene in his vehicle but was involved in a vehicle collision at Fell and Webster streets.

No one was seriously injured in the collision and the victim was taken to a hospital in stable condition.

The second shooting occurred just after 9 p.m. Saturday in the first block of Nichols Way in Hunters Point.

A male suspect who had previously been in a fight with the victim, a 50-year-old man, returned and shot the victim twice in the back before fleeing in a vehicle.

The victim was taken to San Francisco General Hospital in serious condition.

The third occurred shortly before 2 a.m. Sunday in the area of Ingalls Street and Hudson Avenue in Hunters Point.

The victim, a 24-year-old man, was getting off a 44-O’Shaughnessy Municipal Railway bus when he heard gunshots and realized his legs had been hit, police said.

He was taken to the hospital in stable condition.

No arrests have been made in any of the shootings, according to police.