(KRON) A light 3.0 magnitude earthquake rattled the Napa Valley Friday afternoon.KRON4’S REAL TIME EARTHQUAKE MAPS

Region:                           Northern California

Geographic coordinates:           38.625N, 122.385W

Magnitude:                        3.0

Depth:                            0 km

Universal Time (UTC):             29 Sep 2017  21:21:45

Time near the Epicenter:          29 Sep 2017  14:21:45

Local standard time in your area: 29 Sep 2017  21:21:45

Location with respect to nearby cities:

3.9 km (2.4 mi) SW of Walter Springs, California

35.3 km (21.9 mi) NE of Santa Rosa, California

37.4 km (23.2 mi) NNW of Napa, California

37.5 km (23.3 mi) N of Sonoma, California

77.7 km (48.2 mi) W of Sacramento, CaliforniaWHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: