LOS ANGELES (AP) – Two small planes collided in midair Friday and plunged into the ocean off of Los Angeles harbor. There was no immediate word of any survivors, authorities said.
The planes collided at around 3:30 p.m. and apparently went into the water about two miles outside the harbor entrance, U.S. Coast Guard and other officials said. It was unknown how many people were on board.
Fire and lifeguard boats and rescue divers swarmed the area.
“They found both a partial tail number and then a second tail number,” Los Angeles County lifeguard Capt. Ken Haskett said.
As darkness fell, about two dozen divers were on call to scour the area but the planes may be at the bottom in 80 to 90 feet of water, Haskett said.
The crash site was a quarter-mile south of the Angels Gate light. The harbor entrance was closed to traffic while the search continued.