OAKLEY (BCN) — Officials with the Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control District confirmed that a dead bird and two chickens found in Oakley tested positive for the West Nile Virus, the officials said Friday.
The bird was found near Trenton Street and Oakley Road and the chickens were located near Rose Avenue and Main Street.
County officials know that at least some mosquitoes in the area have the virus because the chickens were in an enclosed area. Chickens with the virus do not pose a threat to humans nor are their eggs affected, county officials said.
Chickens are able to fight off the virus with antibodies in their blood.
Residents are urged to reduce the opportunity for mosquitoes to breed by dumping any standing water. Residents are also encouraged to wear mosquito repellent such as DEET, Picaridin or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus to reduce the chance of being bitten by infected mosquitoes.