175-pound black bear hides out in Ventura backyard

VENTURA, Calif. (AP) – A Ventura family was surprised when they found a 175-pound black bear hiding in their backyard.

KCBS Los Angeles reports that Jamina Metcalf says the family’s dogs began barking at bushes outside their home on Monday night.

She glimpsed eyes in the bushes and figured they sensed a raccoon, cat or possum.

Hours later, the dogs started barking again. In the sunlight, Metcalf was able to make out the bear.

Her five-year-old daughter said the bear “just wanted to be by himself.”

The family called 911. They believe the bear climbed a fence to get into the yard, which is near a busy street.

A warden from the Department of Fish and Wildlife tranquilized the bear.

It was released back into the wild unharmed after its ear was tagged.