MYSTERY WIRE A strange building with an even stranger history continues to resonate with mystics, seekers, and run-of-the-mill curious folks.

It’s called the Integratron, an oddly-shaped structure in the desert community of Landers, California. More than half a century ago, a mechanic named George Van Tassel said the plans for the building were downloaded to him by space aliens. It was supposed to be a huge electrostatic generator. And maybe a time machine. The current owners use it as a sonic healing chamber.

“It just happens to be a very zappy place and people seem to pop, pop, you know, through whatever seems to be happening to them,” says Nancy Karl.

In decades past, the Integratron helped draw thousands of people to huge UFO gatherings at nearby Giant Rock.

The FBI investigated Van Tassel to find out if he might be a commie.

See the story of the Integratron and hear the sonic bath generated by its cosmic vibe on