SONOMA COUNTY (KRON) — Dangerous winds are picking up speed as the Kincade Fire continues rage out of control in Sonoma County.

According to the National Weather Service, the next 20 hours will bring critical fire weather that could result in the Kincade Fire spreading rapidly.

After a lull overnight, wind speeds are now getting stronger and are expected to continue to increase throughout the day, according to NWS meteorologist Steve Anderson.

Anderson says they’re seeing wind speeds ramping up to about 40 to 50 mph.

The winds have also shifted and are now coming from the northeast.

The peak of this weather event is expected to happen from 8 p.m. Tuesday through 3 a.m. Wednesday.

Wind gusts are predicted to hit 70 mph on the mountain tops overnight creating erratic fire behavior.

Anderson said we most likely won’t see any relief until Wednesday night.

These conditions are similar to the Tubbs Fire that devastated the same region in 2017.

The biggest difference, according to Anderson, is the duration of the wind event.

The wind event during the Tubbs Fire last about six to eight hours.

For the Kincade Fire, we’re seeing winds over 30 mph last for 30 straight hours.

Anderson says this is the longest fire weather event he can ever recall.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Anderson said.