FAIRFIELD, Calif. (KRON) – In the Bay Area, just under 200 evacuees from Wuhan are under a two-week quarantine at Travis Air Force Base.

Daisy Roth and her two daughters were on one of the flights from Wuhan – the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak – that landed at the base on Wednesday.

They’re now staying at a hotel on the base for observation.

Her husband, who is in Wisconsin, sent KRON4 photos showing the group at the base where they are quarantined.

“It’s not that I want my family to be there for two weeks, but I want to fully comply with whatever precautions are necessary to ensure that my family is well but also that we’re not bringing the disease to the community. Let them rest, make sure that they’re well and we’ll be reunited soon enough,” he said.

Out of all the passengers on board the plane, there was a child who had a fever.

That child was taken to a hospital and is currently under observation.

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