SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – Californians 65 and older can start getting vaccinated right away, according to new state guidelines.

“Getting the people most vulnerable to this virus vaccinated is the right approach. I like it,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi.

Dr. Monica Gandhi is an Infectious Disease Specialist at UCSF.

“This will be a big deal because we are not just seeing 90 and 80-year-olds getting sick, but 65 and 70-year-olds. And 65 to me seems like the right number from what i have seen.”

The state’s new guideliens are just that, guidelines. And due to the limited supply of vaccines, UCSF and many other prpviders will limit the next priority group to 75 plus.

On the other hand, San Francisco announced Tuesday the Public Health Department will begin vaccinating those in its health network who are 65 and older this week.

“Among the San Francisco population people 65 and up only account for 15% of covid cases but account for 80% of san francisco’s COVID deaths and nearly half of covid hospitalizations,” said SF health director Dr. Grant Colfax.

Medical experts believe changing to 65 and up will impact hospitalizations and deaths.

The question that remains is when will there be enough supply to change the priority list.

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