9 coronavirus cases confirmed in Santa Clara County

SAN MATEO (KRON) – Health officials in San Mateo County have confirmed that a county resident likely has the coronavirus; the case is just pending a test by the CDC.

The adult patient has been hospitalized and is currently in isolation.

The patient has no known exposure to the virus through travel or through contact with anyone else who has the coronavirus, so they are still investigating how this person was exposed to it and ensuring anyone who came into contact with them is evaluated, too.

The CDC says people who have had casual contact with a case in a restaurant or shop are at minimal risk of developing infection.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Santa Clara County now stands at 9.

The two additional patients are men – one is a household contact with an already confirmed case in the county, and the other is a household contact from a confirmed patient in another county.

Both are under home isolation.

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