SANTA ROSA, Calif., (KRON) — A grocery store in Santa Rosa is showing its support to its New York team members who have seen an increase in confirmed coronavirus cases.

With news of coronavirus cases rising in New York, Jacqueline Filshie who works as a sign artist for Trader Joes on Cleveland Avenue in Santa Rosa wanted to express her support somehow.

“I couldn’t help but think about what the people in New York are going through,” Filshie said. “Specifically the Trader Joes employees there because I know we’re affected by so much here and it hasn’t even hit here yet.”

Filshie worked her skills and created a sign to show support to the nine Trader Joes stores located in New York City.

Courtesy: Jacqueline Filshie

The store plans to have its team members write a note on each sign before they send them out later this week.

In New York City the number of confirmed coronavirus cases surpassed 4,000, making it the most for any city in the nation, according to a John Hopkins University report.

“I just wanted to do something to lift their spirits to let them know that Trader Joes is one big family and even though we are on the other side of the country from them that we’re still thinking of them,” Filshie said.

On Mar. 31, the same Trader Joes store donated flowers to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and its staff members to show their appreciation.

Courtesy: Jacqueline Filshie

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