SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) — US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said this week is going to be the “hardest and the saddest” for “most Americans’ lives.” Families are following the San Francisco Bay Area’s shelter-in-place orders by staying home, waiting, and hoping that their isolation helps save lives from the COVID-19 virus.
One Bay Area photographer, Lara George, said she wanted to do something special to bring “happiness to homes” during this lonely time. She joined The Front Steps Project and began shooting free photographs of families on their front doorsteps.
George shoots the photographs from the street to maintain more than six feet of social distance. One doorstep at a time, she’s giving families a small reason to smile together.

Her husband nominated George to be a KRON4 Hero.
“An unfortunate byproduct of all the turmoil, fear, and sadness that’s gripped the world recently because of COVID-19 is … loneliness. A local Bay Area photographer is donating her photography talents to bring joy and smiles to people’s faces all around the 680 corridor,” Fred George told KRON.
“She’s a Bay Area hero because she is single-handedly raising spirits and bringing joy and smiles to so many people in her community, at a time when there are very few reasons to smile,” Fred George said.
“Even if it’s just for 5 or 10 minutes at a time, she does it for free, not only because she herself feels good doing it, but mainly because it brings everyone she’s photographing some joy … and also a chance to get some fresh air and wave to a neighbor from afar,” he said.