(NEXSTAR) – Heinz, which is known for the slow-pouring nature of its ketchup, now has a website to match – the new load time is 57 minutes.

With barbecue season in the not-to-distant future, Heinz is inviting people to visit Heinz.com for a chance to win.

“Fans who are willing to test their patience with 57 minutes of staring at an all-Heinz red loading screen will have the chance to win a Heinz Burger Kit, to help unlock the magic of family burger night,” the company said in a news release.

In a world of next day deliveries and binge-watching, Heinz invites people to embrace the anticipation.

Heinz.com’s wait time was apparently set at 57 minutes in reference to the company’s slogan, “57 varieties,” which dates back to the 1890s. According to the New York Times, H.J. Heinz arrived at the number not because of the company’s product line, but because his lucky number was 5 and his wife’s was 7.

“We are excited to equip families with everything they need for a magical family burger night,” said Shelly Hayden, brand manager of Heinz Ketchup. “We promise the 57-minute wait is worth it!”

Each Burger Kit comes with a red spatula, custom apron, grill mitt, napkins, plates and bottles of ketchup, mustard and relish. You’ll have to provide your own burgers, however.