GREENVILLE, S.C. (WRIC) — A man who bought seven packs of cookies from the Girl Scouts on Friday outside a store in Greenville, South Carolina felt he could do more to help. His solution: buy every single box they had so they could get out of the cold. 

Kayla Dillard, the troop’s cookie manager, shared the incredible story in a Facebook post. 

The man was not identified in the Facebook post but apparently, he came back after purchasing the initial seven boxes and decided to buy the rest. According to Dillard’s post, the man wanted to make sure the troop could stay out of the cold. 

“Pack up all of your cookies. I’m taking them all so y’all can get out of this cold,” the Facebook post read. 

Dillard, who called herself a “Cookie Momster,” told 8News on Monday that she doesn’t know the man’s name but that he spent $540 on the boxes of cookies. 

“What an amazing soul!!!!” Dillard’s post read.