SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – The Los Gatos mother charged with hosting drunken parties for teenagers, and encouraging some of them to have sex while she reportedly watched, is set to return to the Bay Area on Tuesday.

The mother had moved to Idaho with her two sons, and now officials are looking into whether she held similar illegal bashes there.  

Investigators continue to pour through the evidence, including what was caught on social media platforms.

What we do know is that teens say, at these drunk parties, Shannon Oconner handed out condoms, coerced sexual assaults, and in one case a teen got seriously injured.

“This case just keeps getting worse,” said Defense Attorney Steven Clark.

Investigators say these drunk fests happened at her $4.7 million home, lying to her husband about what was going on.

Plus, there were a number of trips, including a party for one of her sons at a rental in Santa Cruz where external cameras caught teens so drunk they were vomiting profusely.

Some teens say on several occasions, she handed out condoms, and coerced boys to take advantage of semi-conscious girls.  

Oconner faces civil and criminal charges.