Belva Davis was the first woman of color to work as a television news reporter on the West Coast of the United States. 

In her five decades in the Bay Area news market working at three major television stations, black radio, and black newspaper, she took on a lot of the early knocks for her gender and for her race. 

“I worked with people sometimes who didn’t want to walk down the streets with me… photographers..”

And there were other low moments, notably in 1964 — the GOP convention at the Cow Palace.

But there are many journalism milestones, including her reporting from Tanzania after the U.S. Embassy bombings there. 

Retired since 2012, and today at age 85, Belva is still quite active on boards and panels at events. 

She has written one book, “Never In My Wildest Dreams,” and is contemplating another. 

She and her husband of 55 years — Bill Moore — have a bit of down time now. 

They have both made history. 

Bill was in TV news too and was the first black cameraman in California. 

He now teaches video at Ohlone College in Fremont. 

“I think it was us having each other to hear each other and to know the heart of this person is sincere..”

Looking at the landscape for professional and political women today, when she says there were many… 

“These are the receivers of the toil.. I hope they know it.. There were many women who have given up so much..fought so many battles to achieve the degree of success of ability.”

She has particular pride in the Bay Area women in positions of power — some are her contemporaries like Senator Dianne Feinstein, others younger. 

“I tell ya, I am so proud of the women in this area. They now see the possibility for themselves and I think there’s nothing that can make you happier than knowing you belong in what you call the winning circle.”

And she is also in what could be called the winning circle. 

In 2018, among her many awards and acknowledgments, Belva Davis was inducted into the California Hall of Fame. 

Her words of wisdom for younger women and girls? 

“They don’t have to have the blessing of anyone ..if you have a sense of self-security.. and I’m hoping that’s what we are passing on… there is nothing you cannot do if you believe in yourself. ”

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