SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) — Just over a month ago, Santa Clara County began what many believed was the road back to a new normal. But a recent spike in COVID-19 cases has put a roadblock on those plans. 

County public health officials say the highly transmissible Delta variant is posing risks, mostly among unvaccinated individuals. 

The county COVID-19 cases are now averaging 76 per day with a daily case rate of nearly 4 per 100,000 and continuing to rise. 

Courtesy: Santa Clara County Public Health

Last week, the county announced it will be requiring its 22,000 employees to get vaccinated, urging employers to do the same. 

More than 77% of county residents ages 12 and older are now fully vaccinated, just short of the county’s goal of fully vaccinating 85% of county residents by Aug. 1. 

In total, more than 120,000 county residents contracted COVID-19 and 1,707 have died. 

Among the hardest hit by the virus, county residents ages 20-29 making up 19.7% of total cases and the county’s Latino population recording the most cases among any ethnic group with 50% of total cases. 

Courtesy: Santa Clara County Public Health

As of Jul. 26, the Delta variant is responsible for 152 total COVID-19 cases countywide. 

Just when people began to ditch the masks, county public health officials recommended people to resume wearing masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status. 

County public health officials are encouraging people who have not received the vaccine to do so as soon as possible. 

Bay Area Health Officers plan to revisit the recommendations in the coming weeks as they continue to monitor transmission rates.