ORLANDO, Florida (KRON/CNN) — A father and daughter say they were kicked off a Frontier Airlines flight and are demanding to know why.

The incident happened last Wednesday. The 70-year-old father and his 25-year-old daughter were flying from Orlando to St. Louis.

Their flight was delayed for 8 hours, and they were complaining to each other about how miserable the Frontier crew and experience had been.

Flight attendants overheard their conversation and reportedly got in their face and asked them to leave the plane.

“It was an aggressive one,” father Eric Miller said. “They would lean over the back of the chair in front of us, get their face right up to here, and they would simply ask do we have a problem.”

Frontier Airlines released a statement saying, “The behaviors and comments exhibited by these passengers prior to departure were inappropriate, and as a result they were asked to leave our aircraft.”

They say the father and daughter were cursing, disrespectful, and deemed a threat.

The two ended up getting a flight refund.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: