MORAGA (KRON) — A man and woman are accused of stealing credit cards, debit cards, and checks from a Moraga senior living facility, police said.

Police received reports from elderly residents at Aegis Living that they were victims of theft and fraud in late August. Aegis is an assisting living facility.

The thieves, identified as 29-year-old Antoinique Bryant and 30-year-old Shawn Morris, stole the items from private living spaces, police said.

The checks were cashed and the cards were used throughout Contra Costa County, Southern California, and Nevada, police said.

A similar theft happened at the Orinda Senior Village where an elderly resident was victimized, according to officers.

Bryant and Morris were caught on surveillance video cashing the checks and using the cards, police said.

Bryant was seen wearing a nurse’s uniform at the Orinda facility.

Witnesses say they saw Bryant at Aegis, and she’s not an employee there, police said.


Both suspects are from Richmond. Police searched their home and found stolen goods there, police said.

Morris has been arrested, but Bryant remains at large.

Twenty-seven felony and misdemeanor charges have been filed against the two, including elder abuse, burglary, fraud, and identity theft.

There is a $655,000 warrant out for Bryant’s arrest.

If you have any information, you are asked to call police at 925-888-7056.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: