BERKELEY (KRON) — Police at the University of California at Berkeley are investigating an alleged rape in a student dormitory.

University police were called about the rape on March 3 at 4:55, just after the victim was sexually assaulted.

The student and her accused rapist met at a company where the student was doing an internship.

Police are withholding the suspect’s name, but say he is an Asian man, 20 to 30 years old, with a light build, medium complexion, brown eyes and short black hair.

The university police’s criminal investigation bureau is investigating the incident.

They say that they delayed releasing a report of the needs of the investigation, but wouldn’t elaborate on that.

In late February, UC Berkeley was the host of a national conference on campus sexual assault and violence.

During that conference, students protested a panel discussion on ensuring a fair process of sexual misconduct investigations.

Students with duct tape on their mouths surrounded the perimeter of the room, holding signs of survivor testimonies pointing out insensitive treatment their received during the investigation of their sexual assaults.

The school is one of 55 schools facing a federal investigation for the way they handle sexual abuse allegations by their students.

Only one other school in California was named in the investigation; the University of Southern California.

The college investigations are done under Title IX of a U.S. law, which prohibits gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds.

It is the same law that guarantees girls and women equal access to sports, but it also regulates institutions’ handling of sexual violence and increasingly is being used by victims who say their schools failed to protect them.