FARMVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – One in every 10 children suffers from asthma. That’s why local health organizations want to help families manage the disease.
9-year-old Kameron Hudson hasn’t always been able to play football. The third grader suffers from asthma.
“At about six months old, he was put on nebulizer machine and I didn’t really know too much about asthma. I just knew he had to take his nebulizer at a certain time,” said Jennifer Goss, Hudson’s mother.
At the time, Hudson’s mom didn’t know her own home played a role in the severity of her son’s disease.
“He had asthma attacks 3-to-4 times a week, so he had to take his rescue inhaler a lot more over there, he was taking it every four hours,” said Goss.
Thanks to resources at Vidant Medical Center and a grant from ECU, Hudson and his mom relocated to a new home. Around the house, Hudson wears a new device used to sample the air around him.
Environmental health specialist Dr. Greg Kearney said it monitors Hudson’s surroundings and catches anything that could trigger an asthma attack.
“It will take a sample of air, if he’s playing around mold or he is exposed to cigarette smoke, it will actually collect an air sample then we can send that sample back to the lab and have it analyzed,” said Dr. Kearney.
Hudson and his mom feel grateful for all the help.
“He was homebound, and he wasn’t able to go to school. Now he’s able to go to school. He’s been basically back to a normal child,” said Goss.
The family said they can now look forward to the future, one filled with lots of football for Hudson.