SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – San Francisco Mayor London Breed launched a campaign to educate the city about the importance of wearing a face-covering when outside to slow the spread of COVID.

The California Academy of Sciences, the African-American Arts and Cultural District, the Latino Task Force, Self-Help for the Elderly, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, and Opportunities for All are working together with the mayor to support this new campaign.

These organizations will be putting up posters and digital billboards around the city, as well as handing out masks. #MaskTheSFup will be used on social media.

“We are all eager to see our City reopen more and to be able to support our small businesses, see our youth get back in the classroom and see our friends again,” said Mayor Breed.

“This campaign reminds us that it is possible, but everyone has a part to play and wearing a mask, socially distancing, and frequent hand washing is key,” Breed added.

A recent citywide survey showed 71% of people are wearing a mask, which means many San Franciscans are doing their part, but more work can be done.

The City is encouraging people to gather safely by minimizing contact with each other and wearing a mask. This is especially important ahead of Labor Day weekend, Breed said.

Tips on how to safely gather can be found here.

The state’s new “Blueprint for a Safer Economy” plan ranks each California county using a colored tier system based on the rate of community spread of coronavirus. Counties are categorized as purple (widespread transmission), red (substantial), orange (moderate), and yellow (minimal).

According to Mayor Breed, the city will reopen gradually based on its unique COVID-19 data.

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