SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KRON) — Governor Gavin Newsom urged a southern California county to pull back on reopening due to rising coronavirus cases.

During a news briefing Friday, the governor said Imperial County needs reinstate its stay at home order.

This is the only county in California Governor Newsom is urging to reinstate their stay at home order.

But the governor noted 15 other counties are on his “watchlist.”

The governor said 4,890 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in California over the last 24 hours. Hospitalizations rose by 3% overnight and ICU patients rose by 4%.

Imperial County, with a population of 175,000 people on the state’s border with Mexico, has been the slowest in the state to reopen.

Its positivity rate has averaged 23% in the last week, compared with 5.7% percent statewide.

Imperial County reported 1,729 new cases in the last 14 days bringing the county’s total up to 5,192.

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